Sunday, September 29, 2013

Squish Squish Squish

I think everyone should have a little healthy dose of cynicism that the dole out from time-to-time. It keeps you down-to-earth when you need to be, without chaining you to the ground.

Take me, for instance. I try to keep a more-or-less positive outlook on life, even though I seem pessimistic because I prepare for the worse outcome in a situation. But that optimism can bite you on the ass if you are not careful, and thankfully (sort of) life keeps cutting my legs out from underneath me enough to never let that optimism phase out my cynicism.

For example, I am very suspicious of other people when I know little-to-nothing about them. And it is infinitely easier for them to damage any trust with me than to gain it. It's about a 15:1 exchange rate with distrust to trust. Sure, it sounds excessive, but dammit, it works. Doesn't hurt that being introverted makes me less willing to engage with random groups when it is not on my terms, so not attending large functions every weekend doesn't bother me in the slightest.

But I have to say, the most asinine thing I see people falling head-first into involves sex. Not gender, I mean "sex" - like rubbing naked sweaty parts together.

I hear people talk about sex as if it is a magical or even holy experience, to be met with reverence and that helps them transcend normal human emotions. I also know of people that discuss sex as if it is filthy and disgusting, or don't discuss sex because of this reasoning. But, come on, people, it's sex. It is no more sacred or sacrilege than going for a run, having a conversation, or taking a nap. It is an activity, done with a partner (or more) or by oneself, that exerts energy and ends with a tingly feeling of satisfaction.

And to compound this crazy belief system, I see a lot of people act like sex with a certain individual is more fantastic than another, or less satisfactory, but let's be real people: the part that made it better or worse didn't have a damn thing to do with what you put your parts into or what parts went into you. It has to do with what else went on, whether it was something emotional, physical, or mental.

In the end, the act of sex just reduces each person to moist meat, with no certain man or woman bringing something different into it. The way new or exciting things come into play has to do with the personality and mindset of the individuals, not the physical make-up of their bits and pieces. Sure, one guy may be longer or thicker in his nethers, and some woman may be tighter or more prone to slickness in her crotch, but the actual act of sex involves things of generally the same shapes achieving generally the same function, and any deviation of those shapes just means more or less work on one or both parties.

So please, people, stop acting like fucking Sally Big-Tits will be better than Jenny Big-Butt, or that Derek Muscles is better than Jack Sportscar. The parts that bring you more attraction have little-to-nothing with sex, but what else they have to bring, either to sex or to non-sex.

Remember, moist meat. That's all we are looking for during sex - a moist pole or a moist hole. All the other stuff is the gravy that gives it the flavor, so those are the more important parts. Without those, it's no different than some alone time with a viscous fluid and that thing you keep in the back of your underwear drawer or in the bedside table.

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